Red Hook Commercial Driving School, Inc.
201 Ditmas Ave, Brooklyn NY 11218 +1 (646) 250-5429 +1 (347) 586-7018

Truck Driving Career

The Truck Driving Career is an interesting and challenging one. So what's so interesting? And what's so challenging? Let us dive into that and uncover the details.

Let me start with one of the quotes about truckers I found on the never-ending fields of the Internet.

I am paid to stare out of the window all day long!

If you read this, you may think that there is nothing interesting about that. But, the road follows the mountains, fields, forests, rivers, oceans, summer, winter, hot and cold, young and old. This is a lifestyle. You indulge it: smell it, feel it, observe it, sleep it, listen to audiobooks, jump into your hand-made bed in your own cabin! Make it clear - it is not for everyone. Truckers are a big family on the road. Their life is very different than a "normal" person has!

Let me make a small correction here

We are talking about true truck drivers that leave the house and come back in 4-5 days home. Of course, there is a garbage truck driver, gas tank driver working close by, construction truck driver, or even a mysterious Hazmat driver carrying secret chemical agents behind. But I am talking about those truck careers that move America from South to North, East to West, and back - the true movers.

The family is waiting for you, babe!

They will miss you and you will miss them too. Maybe it is not so bad and feelings will be stronger. Maybe! But this is a challenging part for the driver and for the family of the driver! Well, I know families that actually travel together. Husband and wife. They change each other, while the other sleep. They love their lifestyle - but in reality, there are not that many such families. Most of them - are waiting for the moment to get back! So it is challenging for some but enjoyable for many others too. Your choice!

But of course, you are financially pretty well here - this is a highly-paid job. That's a cherry on top of those who love this job. And fine steak for those who just take it for granted while making a good amount of dough! Especially if you can get your own truck. So get that! So if you decide to start this career, then go ahead and try it. You can do so - call us - Red Hook Commercial Driving School; and then dive into this new world of tough blue-collar dudes, start earning, and move America!